To install the MULTIMA KeyMate product, it is necessary to prepare the following systems and ensure technical and organizational cooperation on the customer side. The requirements differ depending on whether KeyMate is deployed on a physical/virtual server or as a service within the Microsoft Azure environment.



1.   Installation in MS Azure environment

In the customer’s Azure tenant environment, MULTIMA staff, in cooperation with the customer, will create a virtual server from the supplied image (generalized image), which already contains all applications. The customer’s SQL Service must be used for the database.

SW prerequisites:

  • account to connect to SharePoint – the VM from the image will be created under this account
  • SharePoint administration account “” – entered in the KeyMate configuration installation script – preferably Tenant and SharePoint administrator
  • KeyMate must “see” the SharePoint url
  • Farm ID/Tenant ID for license key generation
  • the virtual server must have access to the SQL service

2.   On-premises server

In the customer’s environment, on a prepared server (virtual or physical), MULTIMA staff will install and configure the KeyMate application. You must use an existing or new SQL Server customer for the database.


HW requirements for the server

  • 8 GB RAM
  • at least 50GB of disk space for data
  • 2x CPU 2GHz

SW installation

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 and higher
  • IIS 7.5 and higher and .NET CLR v.4.0.30319 – to run ASP.NET application v.4.6.2
  • Web hosting supporting .NET 4.6.2 – the application must run under the https protocol
    account to connect to SharePoint – AppPool will run under this account and the account needs to have access to all the objects it is supposed to process.
  • SharePoint administration account “” – entered in the application – preferably Tenant and SharePoint administrator
  • Farm ID/Tenant ID to generate a one-time license key
  • the KeyMate application must “see” the URL address of SharePoint (through firewalls, etc.)
  • MS SQL Server 2016 and higher. The application must have access under the app pool account as DB owner to create tables
  • Required to create an empty database on the specified instance

Consent/permission must be granted for all types of installation

  • When connecting to Online Sharepoint, administrator approval must be granted for the selected permission groups.
  • To connect to On-Premise SharePoint, you still need to enable KeyMate to access the SharePoint REST API.